Reset has a base in the Malvern Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 
We deliver our programmes, activities, and Community of Practice across the UK.


Established in 2019 by two friends, a counter-terrorism police officer and an ICU doctor, the purpose and intent of Reset was formed over several years of walks and talks, lived experiences and bearing witness to challenges faced by friends and colleagues.

It is this cross-sector experience that is fundamental to Reset’s DNA. It is a cornerstone of everything we do. The benefit of shared understanding and learning, compassion and empathy across emergency responder frontline experiences had a profound effect. It gave strength, helped manage stress and built mental and physical resilience.


Reset has a large pool of accredited coaches with organisational development, wellbeing, mindfulness, psychology and neuroscience expertise.

If you would like to receive one-to-one coaching, or commission a retreat or programme for your organisation please email.